Donor Matching

IRTSA has developed a vast data base of egg donors. We contribute maximum efforts to make matching process of a suitable candidate faster and easier.

We defined several mandatory criteria for a donor. This does not only refer to health condition, age, and phenotype but also to his/her motivation to help infertile couples or single people to become parents.

All egg donors are young (20-30 years old) and healthy women with a healthy child (one and more). They are required to have no mental, chronic, and hereditary diseases, harmful habits, abnormal development, excess weight, etc.

There are also blood group and Rhesus factor and individual requests concerning appearance type are considered. That is why donor matching is a very complicated and responsible process.

Donor matching is delivered on a paying basis (see its cost in Prices for Services). Data about selected candidates is provided in written form. You can also study Donor data base.

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