Supervision Over a Surrogate

On a client demand we can provide a supervisor to monitor and render assistance to a Surrogate during entire pregnancy period. Lately supervision has become a very popular service especially when  medical care for a Surrogate is involved.

Supervisor — is a specially authorized employee of the company (a majority of our supervisors has secondary or higher medical education), who supervises over his surrogate mother’s observance of terms of the agreement with the Intended Parents and the clinic as well. Under these conditions, a supervisor controls a Surrogate over following doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations, eating healthy food, taking medication in time, attending procedures, undergoing medical tests, etc.

Periodically, a supervisor makes reports, which are sent to the company and to the Intended Parents. A supervisor can report (file a formal note) on facts of violation of terms of the agreement. Besides the functions of monitoring, a supervisor shall always help a surrogate mother in case of any difficulties.

We can offer several supervision options:

  • Medical — a supervisor assists only in medical programme run: controls fulfillment of doctors’ prescriptions and recommendations, takes a health checkup of his surrogate, provides and controls other medical procedures, which are essential during pregnancy care.
  • Complete — a supervisor is present from 9:00 to 18:00 in the same apartment with  Surrogate (supervisors work in shifts). The service includes: nursing care, accompanying when visiting the clinic, shops, walking in a park, etc;
  • Partial — supervisor visits  Surrogate on certain days (hours) to control her pregancy, accompanies her when visiting clinics, shops, during her walk in a park, etc., etc by arrangement.

Payment depends on the chosen type of supervision: either daily or per hour (see Prices for Services).

Read also:
International Reproductive Technologies Support Agency | Supervision of reproductive programmes
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