Scientists in Australia called to resolve the "commercial" surrogacy in the country


The laws of Australia criminalize surrogacy to obtain money from the biological parents of the child. Severe legislation makes childless Australians seek surrogate mothers in other countries.

Australian doctors who work in the field of reproductive medicine, made ​​the other day with an appeal to the government to change the legislation on surrogacy.

At present, in some states of the Green continent it is allowed only "altruistic" surrogacy, ie without payment for services a woman who agrees to bear and give birth to somebody's baby.

Violation of this law can result to prison as the biological parents and the surrogate mother. For this reason, provided with money childless couples from Australia depart to other countries with more liberal legislation in this regard.

Analysis of the statistics showed that the conditions for carrying a child and childbirth in these countries are often worse than in Australia, which affects primarily the health of children.

Scientists from the Centre for Reproductive Medicine in Canberra (Canberra Fertility Centre) interviewed 112 couples who have found the joy of parenthood thanks to women from India and Thailand.

As it turned out, in 55% of cases of pregnancy in surrogate mothers were prolific, and 45% of babies were born prematurely. Both of these factors are potentially unfavorable to the health of children. In its turn the Australian clinics similar figures are much lower.

In addition to adverse effects on the health of children, surrogacy abroad has another side - economic. Treatment of these children will be in Australia at the expense of the budget, because in this country there is a system of public health.

The authors of the appeal called on Tony Abbott (Tony Abbott), the Australian Prime Minister to reconsider his position - at the beginning of August, he rejected the possibility of legalizing in the Green Continent commercial surrogate motherhood.

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