IRTSA successfully conducted the international travelling seminar in Rome


On June 28, 2010 international company “IRTSA” and the Neomed Reproductive Clinic conducted the joint international seminar “Infertility treatment and reproductive technologies in Ukraine”. The programme included the most urgent medical, organizational and legal issues. The presenters expanded on the following topics:

  • modern standards of Assisted Reproductive Programmes support for different categories of Intended Parents (spouses, singles, same-sex couples);
  • medical aspects (the most effective IVF protocols, donation, etc);
  • peculiarities of ART legal regulation in Ukraine and complex of the main legal services in this sphere;
  • validation of child’s documents and obtainment of travel documents for children of Italian citizens, born in the result of ART Programmes in Ukraine. 

Academic consultant of the Neomed Reproductive Clinic Natalya Dankovich explained why Ukraine is the country where majority of European citizens come to. Today Ukrainian clinics at affordable costs offer up-to-date ART methods: from IVF to surrogacy.    

Vladimir Kotlik, Chief Medical Officer of the Neomed Reproductive Clinic underlined that  in the course of preliminary examination and treatment it often turns out that a couple does not require high-tech and costly reproductive procedures. This is conditioned by the fact that certain gynecological or urological problems, blocking natural conception, were not identified and cured earlier. But there is still a solution even for those couples who because of some medical grounds are not capable to conceive on their own – third party reproduction, namely surrogacy and donation. He also explained medical peculiarities of these reproductive programmes and named a required amount of visits to Ukraine

Liudmila Smahina, Chief Executive Officer of “IRTSA” expanded on organizational and legal issues of ART in Ukraine. A special interest was aroused by reproductive programme overview, peculiarities of legal relations reproductive programme participants, processing of documents for child registration, aspects of legal protection of Intended Parents, Surrogates and Donors.

Representatives of well-known American surrogacy agency became interested in peculiarities of surrogacy insurance in Ukraine, namely insurance of life and health of a Surrogate, as well as premature birth of a child or with abnormalities. They were informed about the fact that this year some insurance companies in Ukraine started launching insurance for certain surrogacy programmes.

USA expert on international law also attended the seminar. He aroused an issue concerning requirements of Ukrainian law toward Intended Parents, Surrogates and Donors, as well as aspects of child’s registration in Ukraine.

Italian gynecologists asked about the possibility of gender selection in Ukraine as this method is prohibited in Italy. Except this, they expressed the desire to send the patients wishing  to undergo embryo donation to Ukraine.  

The British couple wanted to specify aspects of supervision over a Surrogate and types of these programmes.  

After the reports the participants had an opportunity to ask the questions concerning ART programmes organization, amount of visits to Ukraine, guest services, obtainment of citizenship of their home country for a child, etc.

Liudmila Smahina, Chief Executive Officer of “IRTSA” gave an interview to the representatives of American company “Global IVF” engaged in medical tourism development in order to inform about legal, medical and organizational support of third party reproduction in Ukraine.  

Video with the seminar will be soon downloaded on IRTSA channel of YOU-tube.

Read also:
International Reproductive Technologies Support Agency | Surrogacy
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